Детально: Музыкальная школа "Proartsound Music"
"Proartsound Music is a new digital music label founded in 2013 by DJ Aristocrat.
Main genres are: House, Deep House, Tropical House, Soulful House, Nu Disco, Indie Dance, Ambient, Electronic.
Our mission is to produce and promote music, which is made from heart, to the people all over the World.
TOP Artists: DJ Aristrocrat, Noblesse Oblige, Gosha, Juloboy, M0B, Paula P’Cay, Deeperfect, U.R.A, Eva Bristol, DJ Vini & many more.
Main genres are: House, Deep House, Tropical House, Soulful House, Nu Disco, Indie Dance, Ambient, Electronic.
Our mission is to produce and promote music, which is made from heart, to the people all over the World.
TOP Artists: DJ Aristrocrat, Noblesse Oblige, Gosha, Juloboy, M0B, Paula P’Cay, Deeperfect, U.R.A, Eva Bristol, DJ Vini & many more.
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